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How to get rid of your blind spot

When you set your side mirrors out fifteen degrees they become an extension of your rear view mirror. To set your mirror at fifteen degrees for the left side, lean your head over so that it is even with the window and adjust the mirror so that you can barely see the sides of your car from this position. To adjust the right side mirror put your head in the center point of the car then adjust the right side mirror just as you did the left.

This expands your view into your blind spot and you actually can see more. If you don’t do this you are only duplicating what your rear view mirror already shows you. With mirrors set this way the driver has full coverage of everything behind and to the side. This gives the driver seamless contact with vehicles approaching from behind, first in the rearview mirror, then in the side mirrors, and then in the drivers peripheral vision.  

It may take about two weeks to get use to this new mirror set up and to let your eyes and brain adapt to the new perspectives. Setting your mirrors like this is one more way to help you stay alert and better scan the roadway.